Relationship process within the organisation
What do you do first?
You are one of or you are the senior leader
What is the vision?
Get to know everybody Find out what is working What is not working? Who is the "tribal chief"? Does anything raise a red flag? Be kind |
You are part of the leadership
or ministry team Be honest
Listen Make sure the coffee is good Be positive Never say: "we have ever done it that way" Be kind |
You are wanting to be
involved in ministry Observe relationships
Learn the language Never be negative Create space Volunteer Do it their way first Be patient, they are doing their best. |
Then what do we do?
If you are either leading a team or serving on a team:
-Describe/teach or observe what leadership does. Do this for about 4 months. Champion the team.
-Gather the team(s) together or attend the gatherings. Make it about fellowship and only a little business.
-Look at what has to change for you or the team and be honest, write those down. Make that list.
6 months gone.
If you are leading a team:
-Start talking about leadership or team or ministry development. Many people do not realise they need developing.
-Start meeting just for development teaching. Keep it positive. Paint big pictures. Allow people to dream.
-Draw the organisation and talk about kite strings. Kite strings are accountability lines and provide transparency.
-List what ministries you have during the week and on Sunday's.
-That should take you about 12 months.
Repeat repeat repeat.
-Describe/teach or observe what leadership does. Do this for about 4 months. Champion the team.
-Gather the team(s) together or attend the gatherings. Make it about fellowship and only a little business.
-Look at what has to change for you or the team and be honest, write those down. Make that list.
6 months gone.
If you are leading a team:
-Start talking about leadership or team or ministry development. Many people do not realise they need developing.
-Start meeting just for development teaching. Keep it positive. Paint big pictures. Allow people to dream.
-Draw the organisation and talk about kite strings. Kite strings are accountability lines and provide transparency.
-List what ministries you have during the week and on Sunday's.
-That should take you about 12 months.
Repeat repeat repeat.
Seriously a year? Ok what next...
If you have time I would do these in the first year but it depends on the size of the church or ministry:
-Start to look at the outside of the church. The outside reflects the inside more than we think. Clean it up.
-Think about assimilation. How do you help new people join. Clean up the inside. Get good coffee.
-Develop a good cycle of somebody joining and getting involved. Get some hosts. Build your welcome team.
-What are your safeguards? What is the process? Are you legal? Is the finance safe? Are you being safe?
-Are you communicating weekly via other mediums as much as you can? Repeat yourself often.
6 months gone.
-By now you should have written forms for process. Do you have job descriptions? Find some! Celebrate the changes so far with update meetings or a meal out. Champion your growing team. They are not perfect but they are cool.
-Get some good coffee. Meet often as you can. These are your 20% who are doing 80% of the ministry.
-You will now discover why you need process forms and job descriptions. Run it for a 12 month period only if you can.
2 years have passed.
-Start to look at the outside of the church. The outside reflects the inside more than we think. Clean it up.
-Think about assimilation. How do you help new people join. Clean up the inside. Get good coffee.
-Develop a good cycle of somebody joining and getting involved. Get some hosts. Build your welcome team.
-What are your safeguards? What is the process? Are you legal? Is the finance safe? Are you being safe?
-Are you communicating weekly via other mediums as much as you can? Repeat yourself often.
6 months gone.
-By now you should have written forms for process. Do you have job descriptions? Find some! Celebrate the changes so far with update meetings or a meal out. Champion your growing team. They are not perfect but they are cool.
-Get some good coffee. Meet often as you can. These are your 20% who are doing 80% of the ministry.
-You will now discover why you need process forms and job descriptions. Run it for a 12 month period only if you can.
2 years have passed.
Woah this is taking 3 years!? It took Jesus that long... so calm down.
-Those empty seats are not a problem.
-If your seats are full then you have to move fast to get things sorted.
-You are meeting as a leadership/eldership and you are meeting or training a ministry team of some form.
-You are now developing leadership/disciples.
-You will have discovered who your leaders of 10's, 50's 100's are. Good one. Bless them and celebrate it.
-You will still have negative people. They are ok. You will still have people trying to do things an old way. Its ok.
-If your seats are full then you have to move fast to get things sorted.
-You are meeting as a leadership/eldership and you are meeting or training a ministry team of some form.
-You are now developing leadership/disciples.
-You will have discovered who your leaders of 10's, 50's 100's are. Good one. Bless them and celebrate it.
-You will still have negative people. They are ok. You will still have people trying to do things an old way. Its ok.